Fixing: error: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage

In the the repository directory...

1) Do git log to show, then copy commits done since that last push.

2) Delete (only) the .git folder (rm -rf).


1) Clone the repo from GitHub in a temporary directory.

2) Move the newly cloned .git folder from the temporary directory into the repository directory.

3) Do a commit. (I included the commit messages from the log copy made above, plus an explanation of the commit message discontinuity.)

4) Push.



Jina, Fix this up.

Firstly, within the repository directory:

1) Execute `git log` to display and then copy the commits done since the last push.

2) Remove only the .git folder using `rm -rf .git`.


1) In a temporary directory, clone the repository from GitHub.

2) Transfer the newly cloned .git folder from the temporary directory to the repository directory.

3) Perform a commit. This should include the commit messages copied earlier, along with an explanation for the discontinuity in the commit messages.

4) Push your changes.

And that's it!