Missing req.body received from nodejs/npm request.post() call

This is almost trivial unless you forget about it and try to research the solution. It's stupidly obscure, probably because it's so trivial.

I am using request to post into some application. I didn't have a convenient boilerplate to reference and the damn internet did not provide a decent example. Here is a working and completely adequate post block:

            headers: {
                authorization: `${userId} ${authToken}`,
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            body: JSON.stringify({ propertyName:'propertyValue' })
        (err, response, body) => {
            console.dir({ 'err': err });
            console.dir({ 'response': response });
            console.dir({ 'body': body });
            //callback(err, body);


This works but it didn't at first. On the receiving end (also nodejs, using express), the call was just fine, came back 200, showed its presence on the far end but, absolutely no post body content. The problem? I had forgotten to include the Content-Type header.

Easy but, since I forgot about it, I needed some help. Unfortunately, the internet was not so helpful. Eventually I did find a clue but, hopefully I've said enough here that google was able to help you learn this a lot more quickly than I did.