nHibernate Works!

This has been among my most grueling experiences. Since Wednesday, nHibernate has been showing a "Security Exception" error message. I have been fighting it ever since with absolutely no progress. It has been brutal. I read and experimented, read more, tried something else. Did it again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Weds and Thurs, I went home exhausted. I wrote on technical bulletin boards and got some great ideas from colleagues. There technical details are in this thread on the nhusers group on google. It basically started working for no real reason at the end of Friday. I do not know what fixed the problem. I care, but only a tiny, little bit. Working is working.

I have learned about trust levels in IIS7. There are five of them. The lower three will not allow debugging. The upper two give security exceptions to nHibernate unless it gets to late Friday afternoon and then they don't anymore. I also learned about the 'unblock' feature that prevents files loaded off the internet from being used inadvertently. Rather than asking you if you want to allow a web-sourced file to be used when the file is needed, Windows 7 requires you to select each file, right-click to Property and choose unblock. There is no option to cause it to propagate to enclosed files. Very inconvenient. Anyway, I had to do that for each of the nHibernate .dll files.

Things I got about nHibernate that were harder to find than they should have been:

You need to specify the assembly. I don't think there was a <mapping assembly="AssemblyName"/> attribute in the sample configuration file. It can be specified there or as a string parameter on an addAssembly() (or something like that) when the nHibernate session is created. I couldn't get the latter to work myself. 

This is common sense, but the data definition object class name has to either be the same as the name of the table (in a database with a name that matches the one in the database login string in .cfg). If the names are different for some reason, you can us a table attribute (<class name="AssemblyName.Services.BaseDataObjects.categorytBase, AssemblyName" table="categoryBase">) in class element in the mapping file (.hbm). 

I just went back, hours later, and took a look. It works all the way through to the database. Sweet.